Terms and Conditions
Read the terms that govern our relationship carefully. Before using Meets, it is important that you read and agree to these terms.<br/> By registering for the use of the services, you agree to the terms, without modifications.
End User License Agreement
This End User License Agreement is a legal agreement between the licensee (individual or legal entity) (the “LICENSEE”) and Meets Tecnologia da Informação Ltda, a private legal entity, Meets Tecnologia da Informação Ltda - CNPJ 45.372.261/0001-70 Travessa Tuyuty, 46 - store 001 - CXPST 127, Porto Digital - Recife/PE. CEP:50.030-050, (the “LICENSOR”) for the use of the computer program called Meets, made available by the LICENSOR (the “SOFTWARE”) for the period determined by the LICENSEE at the time of licensing the SOFTWARE, which includes the computer program and may include associated physical media, any printed materials, and any “online” or electronic documentation. By using the SOFTWARE, even partially or on a trial basis, the licensee will be bound by this agreement, agreeing to the same, mainly CONSENTING TO THE ACCESS, COLLECTION, STORAGE, HANDLING, AND PROTECTION TECHNIQUES OF THE LICENSEE'S INFORMATION for the full execution of the functionalities offered by the SOFTWARE. In case of disagreement with the terms presented here, the use of the SOFTWARE must be immediately stopped.
Ownership of the software
This Term enters into effect on the date of its acceptance by the LICENSEE and will remain in force for an indefinite period.
Software Usage License
Subject to the terms and conditions of this document, this TERM grants the LICENSEE a revocable, non-exclusive, and non-transferable license to use the SOFTWARE. The LICENSEE may not use and may not permit the use of the SOFTWARE for any purpose other than internal use. This license does not imply the ability to access software other than those originally located in the SOFTWARE. Under no circumstances will the LICENSEE have access to the source code of the licensed SOFTWARE, as it is the intellectual property of the LICENSOR.
Payment and Cancellation
The LICENSEE must pay the LICENSOR the amount of the respective chosen plan according to the periodicity defined among the payment options available to the LICENSEE. If the LICENSEE, during the term of this document, opts for another licensing plan, the amounts will be changed according to the chosen plan and charged Pro-rata temporis. The billing will be interrupted upon the request of subscription cancellation by the LICENSED User within the Panel in My Plan/Cancel Subscription. If there is no cancellation request, the billing will occur automatically for each contracted period. With the request for cancellation of the subscription, the User's access to the Tool will be immediately blocked, and the automatic billing for the period by Meets will cease, with no refund of any installments already paid. Alternatively, cancellation may be requested via email at contato@meets.com.br. This action can only be requested by the account administrator. Failure to pay on the specified due dates will result in immediate suspension of access to the SOFTWARE until the financial obligations are settled. If the suspension lasts for more than 30 (thirty) days, the LICENSOR may fully delete the information entered in the SOFTWARE by the LICENSEE. The amounts established at the time of licensing the SOFTWARE will be updated annually or at the shortest time legally permitted by the accumulated IGPM-FGV for the period, or if this is extinguished, by another official index that may replace it. Not receiving the electronic billing by email does not exempt the LICENSEE from paying the overdue installments. Also, upon entering the contracted plan, the LICENSEE acknowledges the amounts due according to the contracted date. If there is any lapse in the sending of billing by the LICENSOR, this lapse does not exempt the LICENSEE from paying the outstanding amounts Pro-rata temporis. In these cases, the amounts remain outstanding, and access to the system is blocked until effectively cleared. The billing lapse is considered mere tolerance on the part of the LICENSOR and cannot be confused with a rule or right of the LICENSEE.
Database and Attached Files
Upon suspension of access to the SOFTWARE, the LICENSOR will keep the LICENSEE's information entered in it for a period of 60 (sixty) days, counted from the suspension of access. During this period, the LICENSOR will make the LICENSEE's information available to be extracted from the SOFTWARE in .xsl (Excel) format related to the database, and will also make attached files available as pdf and images. After 90 (ninety) days of the suspension of this contract, all the LICENSEE's INFORMATION, including account and financial persons, held by the LICENSOR will be permanently deleted from the LICENSOR's database, whether extracted or not by the LICENSEE.
Information Security and Privacy Policy
All necessary security measures are taken to ensure the privacy of stored data, including encryption, secure address, protection against theft and destruction. The protection techniques used are the most sophisticated on the market, applied in layers to ensure reliability and confidentiality of the information. Automatic backups of the data are also performed 4 times a day on mirrored servers, using Cloud Computing hosting services. Account Information and User passwords are protected by encryption, ensuring their privacy. The confidentiality and secrecy of such passwords and the use of services with their use is the total responsibility of the user. We do not disclose personal data registered in our system under any circumstances. Access to personal information is restricted to employees who need to have access to the information for support or scheduled maintenance. Such employees are subject to contractual confidentiality obligations and may be prosecuted or dismissed if they fail to comply with internal regulations. Please check our term for data treatment in accordance with the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) (Law No. 13.709/2018).
This Term enters into effect on the date of its acceptance by the LICENSEE and will remain in force for an indefinite period.
The Forum of the city of Recife/PE is elected to clarify any doubts that may arise regarding compliance with the Clauses agreed upon in this Contract.